About us
As a practicing Registered Nurse, I was taught in nursing school that we do not use petroleum jelly around oxygen, this is what started my journey. A few years later, my military husband suggested that I create something that I know would be effective and solve that problem. He is, and has always been a problem solver, "I Love He Alot" !! Okay enough about me, now back to BeesOline.
So, we continued on and purposed within ourselves to create an All Natural 100% Petroleum Free phenomenal product that is simple yet highly effective to replace all of the petroleum based products within the home that everyone has come to know as a staple.
We wanted to designed an innovative yet simple product that would be superior than any petroleum based product in the retail market. So after many failed attempts we finally landed on a product that was vitamin rich and sped up the healing process in minor cuts and scrapes, moisturized extremely dry skin, it even went on to help eczema, psoriasis, and difficult to heal leg wounds. That is when we knew we had the right formula.
Fast Forward, to now we process our petroleum free BeesOline products in small precise batches right here in America.
Today we have receive heart felt emails from customers, asking us to please keep making this product, THEY ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
To those emails we Say ABSOLUTELY!! We plan on providing this product for many, many, years to come.
THANK YOU for loving it as much as we do!